wildone's horses


Welcome to Angel V.S Supernatural contact Golden Sky, Dusty's RSD Girl, Raine or Commandor Sweets for help
Cullen's RSD Girl, Raine: The modern on is Raine is just a human who didn't know about her past life and Adorn and his past self can talk. Jul 23, 2014 12:28:55 GMT -5
Cullen's RSD Girl, Raine: i cant type right now. did a norm oh how i get food out of the oven and I burnt my finger. I have RSD in my wrist and hand. it isnt a bad burn barely noticeable and it hurt like an S.O.B......*cries* Jul 23, 2014 14:01:50 GMT -5
- Commander Sweets -: I haven't been able to message at all on FB, and I got a new phone so I no longer have your number Raine. :( Contact me on here soon so I can text ya? I renewed my account on PI today, Daisy and Panda recently got through to me via IG so they are wanting Nov 6, 2014 21:30:29 GMT -5
- Commander Sweets -: the whole gang back together for PI. I've been terribly busy, so I'm sorry for not being there. But I'm trying to make time when I can! Love you girl! Nov 6, 2014 21:31:10 GMT -5
Cullen's RSD Girl, Raine: I am here Smarty!!!!! Nov 6, 2014 21:31:57 GMT -5
Cullen's RSD Girl, Raine: Love ya too girl!!!\ Nov 6, 2014 21:32:23 GMT -5
Cullen's RSD Girl, Raine: Hen you get back on, lets rp some. :) Jan 6, 2015 17:37:10 GMT -5
Cullen's RSD Girl, Raine: Hey* Jan 6, 2015 17:37:37 GMT -5
- Commander Sweets -: Okay! I'm on tonight, I'm sure you'll be going to bed but I'll try and get on some tomorrow as well. :) Jan 9, 2015 20:11:22 GMT -5
Cullen's RSD Girl, Raine: You were right. Didnt find the msg until this morning. Lol. I am going to maybe go out to see Koda. I will check in when i can girl. Jan 10, 2015 10:25:25 GMT -5
- Commander Sweets -: Okay! I'm gonna be pretty busy, but whenever you get on, find whatever RP, orrr we can start a fresh new one and do that. Kinda be interesting to start fresh with just a charrie or two. Jan 11, 2015 10:31:51 GMT -5
Cullen's RSD Girl, Raine: Okay we can start a fresh one. I will be thinking about it. Jan 12, 2015 10:25:23 GMT -5
Cullen's RSD Girl, Raine: Okay got my two girls. Both are from Gilmore girls aka get more Gilmore. Haha Jul 30, 2015 20:33:17 GMT -5
Cullen's RSD Girl, Raine: i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--Wljp9BKG--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/rzo7oilaajvmzabv5lbi.jpg Aug 13, 2015 10:35:58 GMT -5
Cullen's RSD Girl, Raine: Sam/Dean Aug 13, 2015 10:36:13 GMT -5
Cullen's RSD Girl, Raine: tribzap2it.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/jared-padalecki-gilmore-supernatural-320.jpg Here you go. lol Aug 13, 2015 10:37:20 GMT -5
Golden Sky: Hello there Jan 30, 2016 22:15:01 GMT -5
Golden Sky: Im sad... No one is posting things.... Feb 10, 2016 14:17:16 GMT -5
- Commander Sweets -: :) I'm here! Nov 20, 2016 20:50:28 GMT -5
Cullen's RSD Girl, Raine: Same here. Nov 20, 2016 21:44:21 GMT -5
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